Tuesday, October 31, 2006

From a bar: waiting for Seunghee to finish work

We breathe better like this:
streets we know; familiar,
occasionally strange diversions.

The seals basking on the floating docks of San Francisco
are waiting for a baseball too,
they're just not conscious of it.

One of the waitresses is shimmying to Whitney Houston.
From behind I would marry her (free beer
at such a cost?) We may have been happy.

What city are we in? (Questions
are easiest.) But the right to ask
and the right question.

Ice could be our greatest acheivement.
A perfect imitation of nature.
To celebrate I light a cigarette.

Which city are we in again? As if
we've ever been to the same place twice.
Or left anywhere ever.

Seals are cute-eyed & edible. Like dogs.
The other night I had to drink a lot
to drown out the sound: live tenderising.

A foreign neighbourhood but familiar taste.
Is it: I should really try dog, or, really not?
&, where is my friend I was once in love with?


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